Photography Features

How To: Develop black and white film in the dark room

Developing black-and-white film is an arcane, but very rewarding and useful process if you want to make really good-looking prints from your film. This two-part video goes over the entire process, from chemical measurement and selection to the actual process of developing the film. A must-watch for any would-be film photographer.

How To: Shoot architecture photography

This 5 minute video covers the basics of photographing architecture using Nikon equipment. It gives good basic explanation of basic lessons in architecture photography, including selecting a proper position and distance to either provide or avoid distortion as desired, selecting the proper lens, selecting the film speed for indoor photographs, and how this may affect your choice to use a triPod, and even how to use Nikon's software to correct or adjust photographs after they've been taken. If...

How To: Craft your own bokeh lens

A bokeh lens gives a soft and unique lighting style, and can be created at home. This photography lesson teaches you how to use paper and tape on an aperture camera lens to craft your own. Improve your art with this DIY construction tip!

How To: Take portrait photos

Capturing a portrait of somebody is one of the hardest things to get right, and is therefore the reason why professional photographers are in such demand to shoot good portraits. The trick is to remember that it is as much about recording the subject's personality as it is about simply photographing their face. Here's how to do it well. Take portrait photos.

How To: Use a photographic enlarger

A photographic enlarger is a piece of equipment used to produce photographic prints from film or glass negatives. Learn more about photographic enlargers and how to use them from a professional photographer in this free video. Use a photographic enlarger - Part 1 of 26.

How To: Shoot an engagement photo

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to shoot an engagement photo. An engagement shoot should be a lot more special and personal. To do that, you need to find meaning to the photo. Finding a scene with a deep meaning will help make the photo much more special. A challenge when shooting an engagement photo is to get the couple to be comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera. Try to get the couple to interact with one another to make the photo look honest and real. This video will ben...

How To: Look better in photos

Get some great tips on how to look better in pictures. Pose for the camera by leaning in, rather than leaning back. Stand up straight. To look thinner, turn your body slightly, and put your hand on your hips. Elongate your neck, and put your shoulders back. You'll look smashing in all your photos. Don't forget to smile!

How To: Take great photographs

Anyone can snap a blurry picture of a friend standing in front of a tourist attraction, but with just a little more effort, you can take great shots. Learn how to take great photographs with this instructional video from Howcast. You will need a camera and a flash (flash optional). Tip: Natural light is always preferable, but if you're indoors or it's cloudy, use a flash to keep your subjects well lit.

How To: Take better photographs for selling on eBay

In this video, we learn how to take better pictures for eBay. If you're selling something on eBay, you want your item to look good so it will sell quickly. People are more likely to buy from you if you have good pictures which showcase the product you're selling. The first thing you can do is to clean the product thoroughly and then set it on a sheet with a green background and green all around it. From here, take different shots with your camera and then load it onto your computer. After it'...

How To: Use off camera wireless flash

Chris Rutter teaches us how to use off camera wireless flash in this tutorial. First, attach the flash to the camera and aim it towards your subject. For a more flattering result, place the flash gun on a tripod that is placed on the right hand side of the subject. Now, go to your camera and set the control so that the flash with go at the same time you take the picture. Now, turn the camera on and take a picture of your subject again. Your flash should go off at the other location, and your ...

How To: Photograph from the sky with a homemade balloon

In this video, you will find some tips on making an aerial camera to take footage from the sky. To make your own aerial camera, you will need to follow these steps: Buy some metalized nylon from balloon Use a hot iron to see the nylon pieces together. Check for any air leaks by using a shop vac's exhaust. Patch any holes with extra nylon or duct tape. Fill the balloon with helium. Attach a box to the balloon with some mesh tape. This box will hold your camera. Allow friends to hold ...

How To: Photograph a fast car in motion

In this video, we learn how to photograph a fast car in motion. First, place a tripod on the camera and place the camera on top of the tripod. Take some still shots on the hood of the camera and have someone inside of the car. Now, start taking pictures and have the person take their foot off the brakes. Push the car and continue taking pictures on the hook while the car is rolling. When you have enough shots, have the person put their foot back on the brake, then you will be able to view you...

How To: Shoot wedding photography like a pro

In this video, we learn how to shoot wedding photography like a pro. Start off by having the wedding party in front of a clear background. Try taking their picture outside with trees and a clear sky in the background behind them. Use the surroundings to add a special touch to the pictures and use the correct flash so that the wedding party shows more than the background does. Accentuate the background and use white flash absorbers around the wedding party so their faces have more color that s...

How To: Understand aperture values in photography

If you're just getting started in photography or if you're looking to learn a little bit more about your camera, then you may have run into the term "Aperture" or "Aperture Values", or those weird number numbers. Aperture is in the lens of your camera and determines how much light enters into the lens itself and helps to determine your focal length. In this video you will get a small lesson on what Aperture is, and how to calculate focal length and aperture values.

How To: Choose the right speed film for cameras

When choosing camera film, use slow film for bright day light, medium speed film for a cloudy day and high speed film for low light conditions. Choose the right speed of film for a particular camera with the tips in this free instructional video on photography tips from a professional photographer. The speed of the film is essential in determining what type of environment you will be taking pictures, so listen up!

How To: Shoot zoo or wild life photography

NikonDifferent of Nikon shows you how to shoot zoo/ wild life photography (particularly with a Nikon d40 as an example with a zoom lens with Vibration Reduction), given the fact that animal enclosures are usually set up to give the animals space. You'll want to limit your visit to two or three types of animals (good photographs require time or patience). Animals playing/ fighting make good pictures, but you need to set a fast shutter speed (if you have low light, crank up your ISO). Try to an...

How To: Buy a used or second-hand camera lens

First of all you have to search for a reputed dealer. Then ask him all necessary questions like what sort of lenses shall fit in your camera, what shall be the size of the lens to fit in your camera. If you are going to purchase it online then you have to ask whether the surface of the lens is scratched and marked in any way. Make sure that three is no mould or scratches on the lenses. You can also hold the lens towards the sun or a light source. Do not hold it directly against the sun. Now y...

How To: Develop film for a black-and-white photo

When developing film for a black-and-white photo, first extract the leader of the film from the film canister and then pull out the rest of the film in total darkness. Develop a black and white photograph with the tips in this free instructional video on photography tips from a professional photographer. Good information for black and white photography students.

How To: Understand & use depth of field (DOF)

To understand and use depth of field you should realize that depth of field is the area behind and in front of your focusing point - the thing or object you are shooting. Depth of field is determined by apreture or f -stop, the shutter speed of your camera and the focal length of the lens. If you have the right combination of shutter speed and the f-stop, your picture will have the right exposure. If you change either the f-stop or the shutter, you need to remember to adjust the other! Differ...

How To: Take a good candid photograph

In this video, we learn how to take a good candid photograph. If you've ever noticed that when you have your picture taken by a stranger it just never comes out, this video is for you! When you hare having a candid photo taken, first make sure that your camera is set on the proper setting. This will help make sure the lighting comes out and everyone in the picture is seen. After this, you will want to ask the person to take a picture at an angle, so you get a good side on everyone. After this...

How To: Create high impact headshots

In this photography tutorial video, the self-appointed "Prince of Cheap" shows you how to use natural light and enhance it with continuous fluorescent light for some really killer headshots that stand strong! This photographs are really strong. In this 5 minute clip, David explains his thought process while you watch one of his garage shoots that lead to great quality and many "How'd he do that?" exclamations. This time you'll be able to see him on his session! How much can you learn in 5 min...

How To: Select a solid tripod for photography

Forget dogs - tripods are a man's best friend (well, if he's a photographer). Eliminating many of the factors that create crappy photos, including the instability of holding the camera up by hand, photo blurs, and general strain of weilding those hulking digital SLRs, tripods are always there to lend a helping leg. Or three.

How To: Use fill flash when taking photographs

In this Click Here Photography instructional video, learn how to photograph using a fill flash to produce a great photograph. Equipment, how to set-up, and additional props are gone over. Although a fill flash takes some time to set-up & is an additional item to carry, it will produce better photographic results in certain lighting situations. Learn how to experiment with your fill flash and maximize your photo's potential with the advice, tips, and information given here.

How To: Clean an SLR camera

When cleaning an SLR camera, use a stiff brush to remove dirt and a lint-free cloth to remove grease marks. Clean an SLR camera with the tips in this free instructional video on photography tips from a professional photographer. Clean your SLR camera like a pro.