News: Convert a Truck Into a Camera

Convert a Truck Into a Camera

Convert a Truck Into a CameraWe've featured unusual pinhole cameras before, but nothing at this grandiose scale.

Presenting the world's largest mobile pinhole camera, the Cameratruck, creation of photographer Shaun Irving. The Cameratruck can take pictures approximately 3,000 times the size of a 35mm!

The truck was first bought from ebay and then outfitted with military surplus lenses and a cardboard box shutter.

Via the Cameratruck site:

Convert a Truck Into a Camera"The Cameratruck is the simplest of cameras: a light-tight box with a lens on one side.

To take a photo, I actually stand inside the vehicle, fumbling in the dark.

The process is long; it takes me about half an hour to set up a shot, take some test prints, and make my final exposure.

It give me time to become intimately familiar with my subject matter... picking up details I would otherwise miss. Even then, a few surprises always pop in the finished prints."

More on Irving's process in the video below. Scroll further down to see the finished prints.

Convert a Truck Into a Camera

Convert a Truck Into a Camera

Convert a Truck Into a Camera

Convert a Truck Into a Camera

Convert a Truck Into a Camera

Convert a Truck Into a Camera

Convert a Truck Into a Camera

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