News: Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

This year's Biennial of Photography and Visual Arts in Belgium presents work by photographer Thomas Lailaender. His whimsical series entitled 'The Acrobatic Squad' shows "a special motorcycle unit of the Préfecture de Police de Paris in full acrobatic mode as they were practicing their hobby at the Bourget military base".

Interesting photography project, but even more awe-inspiring is the apparent skill of these acrobatic motorcycle cops. Scroll down to see all twelve stunts.

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

Acrobatic Cops Should Ditch the Force, Join the Circus

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Yeah! Quit your day job!

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