As you may know, more and more people would like to add art to their signature files. If you also want to make your own art signature perhaps with a collage, simply follow the steps below:
Complete your collage first, and with the help of Wordart or Text, the signature is quite easy to make. Think about what kind of signature you want, your name or phrases, anything you like.
Make the signature.
There are two methods you can use:
Signature with WordArt

Click the on the tool bar.Write down your signature.Select a WordArt style, and then choose the font and size.Define the words Bold or Italic, too.
Signature with Text
Click the on the tool bar.Write something down.Click to add advanced effects. For example, more than 100 textures can be applied to the words. What’s more, Shadow and Halation are available.General Text:
Text with Shadow:
Text with Halation:
Save your image signature in
Png format, so that it can be used again and again.
Drag it to the collages directly.
- No matter what changes you make they can be viewed in the palette.
- If the signature is saved as *jpg format or any other format, the background color will turn white by default.
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