Human Mutation Through Age: Year 0 To 100 Side-By-Side

Year 0 To 100 Side-By-Side

Luckily for us, human aging is a long, slow process. One day newborn babe... 36,500 days later, you're old. Really old. And how you looked in between is all but forgotten. To see a side-by-side mapping of the long and slow human mutation process, check out Danish photojournalists Sofia Wraber and Nanna Kreutzmann's 101 photographs of males, ages 0 to 100.

Human Mutation Through Age: Year 0 To 100 Side-By-Side

Human Mutation Through Age: Year 0 To 100 Side-By-Side

Human Mutation Through Age: Year 0 To 100 Side-By-Side

Human Mutation Through Age: Year 0 To 100 Side-By-Side

Human Mutation Through Age: Year 0 To 100 Side-By-Side

Human Mutation Through Age: Year 0 To 100 Side-By-Side

Human Mutation Through Age: Year 0 To 100 Side-By-Side

Human Mutation Through Age: Year 0 To 100 Side-By-Side

Human Mutation Through Age: Year 0 To 100 Side-By-Side

Human Mutation Through Age: Year 0 To 100 Side-By-Side

View the entire series here.

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