Forget dogs - tripods are a man's best friend (well, if he's a photographer). Eliminating many of the factors that create crappy photos, including the instability of holding the camera up by hand, pho ...
You can take high resolution photos with just about any digital SLR, but whether these high resolution photos turn out impressive depends on setting, lighting, and the compliance of your subjects to p ...
Sometimes the background you're using in a photograph doesn't quite match up with your subject and you want something different to highlight whatever you're photographing. There's where Photoshop and/ ...
There's nothing more exhilirating on a summer day than going out to Venice Beach and watching a skateboarding competition. Whether the skater kids are doing olies or 360s, skateboarding is impressive ...
Thanks to modern technology, we don't have to visit our nearest Target or Rite Aid to get our pictures professionally retouched and printed. With many printers offering photo-quality ink and paper com ...
If you've ever performed before (really, any sort of performance where you're up on a stage with stage lighting counts), then you know there is a huge discrepancy between makeup you wear everyday and ...
Want to make your photos look professional, but don't have a digital SLR and don't want to go through tedious and neverending photo tutorials? Then you've hit the right video. In this tutorial, Paul W ...
Macro photography is a type of photography used to create interest by focusing the lense on one thing in a picture, generally something that's located in the foreground. The rest of the image (the mid ...
In photography, good lighting can mean the difference between an amateur shot and a professional quality portrait. Whether you're taking photographs outdoors or in, using lighting to your advantage cr ...
Thanks to the influx of purse-sized digital cameras and wads of blurry, hastily taken drunken photos posted on Facebook by partying college students, the quality of photography by the masses has gone ...